
Is It Good To Choose Trommel Screen Or Vibrating Screen For Sand Screening Machine?

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A lot of friends doing engineering in the purchase of sand screening equipment will encounter such a problem, in fact, is a tumbler screen or vibrating screen is good, how to go to choose it?

Today, let’s talk about the difference between the tumbler screen and vibrating screen: first of all, the screening area is different in the form of operation, and the particle size of the material to be processed is different. One is rotating, one is rhythmic vibration.


Tumbler screen through its own rolling, so that the material from the height of the falling body movement to the bottom, so as to pass through the screen, complete the screening process. Vibrating screen is through the vibration motor to produce vibration, so that the material through the screen.

The key still lies in what you want to screen the material, for example, if you want to screen the sand is relatively dry sand, slightly larger particles, choose vibrating sand sifter, sand screening efficiency is also high. If you want to screen the particles are very small, wet, use the tumbler screen, because the tumbler screen has a larger screening area, fast screening, and not easy to plug the holes.

There is also the name of the tumbler sand sifter on sale in the market there are many, for example: rotary tumbler screen, tumbler sifter in fact, the principle of the construction is almost the same, just that everyone’s understanding of it and called the difference in the oh.

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